helen macneil
consultant architect
Helen initially joined shedkm in 2013 to work on Circus Street in Brighton, awarded AJ100 Building of the Year 2022.
She led the project from competition win, to planning and completion and was Design Guardian throughout construction. She championed design quality and the positive on-site relationships critical to successful project delivery. Helen’s demonstration of commitment and determination on the project led her to become a trusted collaborator for shedkm. She also received a Special Commendation for outstanding contribution to the project at the 2022 Sussex Heritage Awards.
Helen is committed to the design and delivery of places for people, creating communities and enhancing quality of life. She is currently leading on several innovative projects, challenging design assumptions around urban typologies including housing. Her projects include Brent Cross Town and she acts as compliance architect on Abbey Place.
At the core of her architectural and individual endeavours are aspirations of access for all, and the creation of, social value. Helen is an Associate of the Quality of Life Foundation – who aim to raise people’s quality of life by making wellbeing central to the way homes and communities are created and cared for. She will shine a light on projects that improve people’s lives, to share the lessons learned and encourage best practice in the industry.
Helen works closely with Hazel Rounding and Alex Flint to champion our ethos through deliveries in the South.